SARDAR PATEL SOCIETY, Shakarpura, Bhaupura, Kadi, Gujarat 382715, India
Shri Saurinbhai
+91 93288 33322
Shri Mahaprabhuji’s second son Shri Viittalnathji (Gusaiji) resided in Adel and used to perform ‘Thrikal’ three times Sandhya near the banks of Shri Yamunaji after a holy dip in Yamuna.
Once when Shri Gusaiji was bathing in Shri Yamunaji and had a dip, he found something heavy around his waist. To his surprise he found a ‘Shyam’ (Black) Swaroop of Murli Manohar tangled to his ‘Janoi’ (Sacred thread worn by all Brahmins). He was overwhelmed at the sight of Shri Thakorji and with great care detangled the swaroop from his Janoi and took it home along with him. He performed Panchamrit, Abyang and started Seva of this swaroop and named this Thakorji – “SHRI GOPALLALJI’. At present this swaroop is residing in Kadi.
Once in the south of India near a village of Pandarpur- lived a ‘Purohit’ of the king Jyothsingh. One night in his dreams the purohit saw the GOD ‘Vittalnathji’ with all his aishwarya. He became curious to get the Darshan of this GOD and decided to go to Pandarpur at once. But to his disguise he did not get the Darshan of the GOD as he had in his dreams and became sad and upset. He decide to starve- ‘stay without food and water’ until he gets Darshan. That night in his dreams again ‘Shri Vittalnathji’ gave Darshan and ordered him to surrender himself before Gusaiji -‘ the second son of Shri Mahaprabhuji’, who was on his way from Adel.
When Gusaiji arrived at Pandarpur, this Brahmin purohit got the Darshan of ‘Shri Vittalnathji’ in Shri Gusaiji. He at once surrendered himself before Gusaiji and requested him to give ‘Brahmasambandh’. Shri Gusaiji asked him to keep vrath-‘fast for a day, and then gave him Brahmasambandh. After this the purohit was blessed with the Darshan of ‘Shri Vittalnathji’ as he had in his dreams with all his aishwarya and was very pleased. He was also blessed with the Darshan of ‘Vrajleela of Shri Thakorji’.
After this he returned home and later met king Jyothsingh who was a believer of Shri Rasaye Devi – ‘a Goddess’ and use to offer pooja’s to her. The purohit with the help of his ‘Divya Drishti’ – (divine sight) gave Darshan of Shri Rasaye Devi doing Seva of Shri Thakorji and fetching water for him, to the king. Because of the good company of the purohit this king also became param vaishnav and took Brahmasambandh from Shri Gusaiji.
Shri Gusaiji now offered them his ‘Sevya Swaroop’ – SHRI GOPALLALJI and asked them to do Seva with utmost care and devotion. He said that this swaroop emerged from Shri Yamunaji and seems as if Shri GOPALLALJI is standing in his ‘Nikunj Dwar’ and playing his venu – ‘flute’ and is attracting all his Swakriya Bhakth towards him. This swaroop is the one which played venu in ‘Raspanchadhyayi’ to invite all the gopi’s in RAS.
The purohit and the king did Seva with utmost devotion and were blessed with ‘Swanubhav’ – where Thakorji himself expresses his desires to them. After many years the king went into nitya leela. His empire was conquered by another king and so king Jyothsingh’s children became homeless. The purohit took them to Shri Gusaiji and request him to give Brahmasambandh as he knew that they were also Daivi Jeev – divine soul, who was separated from Yamunaji’s yauth.
For many years the purohit did Seva of Shri Gopallalji. After him, Shri Gopallalji once again came back to Shri Gusaijis home and his daughter Shri Devakaji did Seva of Shri Gopallalji for many years. At present this swaroop is residing in Kadi- Gujarat.
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