Padhramani at P.B Rameshbhai Mehta (Delhi) family's Paper mill in Gojharia, Mehsana Gujarat.
Opening ceremony of Ahmedabad's longest and biggest Navratri celebration, "Navrangi Mandli", at #Tathastu Party Plot, with singer Aishwarya Majumdar. The event was organized by Ketan Patel and Utpal Patel.
On the occasion of P.P. Shri Gopinathji Maharajshri's (Deepak Vare) 250th Pragatya Mahotsav , a Vallabhkul Sangeet Samaroh was organized by Shri Ranchodlalji Mahodayshri. During this musical event, Chi. Vrajrajkumarji and Chi. Prathmesh Kumarji gave a congratulatory performance. This celebration honored the memory and legacy of Shri Gopinathji Maharajshri, bringing together Vaishnavs through the medium of music and devotion.
On January 21st, the annual celebration of the 9th anniversary of Dubai Pushti Parivar, established by Vaishnav Raday Samrat Shri Yadunathji Mahodayshri, as well as the 6th anniversary of Bal Pushti and the 5th anniversary of the Pushti Parivar Women’s Wing, was held with great grandeur in Dubai, UAE
Pushti Parivar Sharjah was launched by HDH Shri Yadunathji Mahodayshri
HDH Vaishnavacharya Shri Yadunathji Mahodayshri visited the BAPS Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi, where Pujya Shri Brahma Vihari Swamiji gave him a tour of the entire temple grounds.
Dev Life Therapeutics has been inaugurated in Kadi, promising to benefit many Vaishnavs through its services.
Pushti Parivar Chennai launched Bal Pushti Pathshala for children aged between 4 to 12 years. Classes commenced on 28 July 2024 form 11 am to 12:30pm Registration forms available at the Haveli. For more details contact Shri Hardik Dhruna - 9025693699 or Smt Sima H Dhruna - 81154947171
In 2014 we initiated the cause for helping the community and society in general in various ways. It marked the beginning of “Joy of Giving” where at our very first event, we raised approximately £500 and used this to purchase essentials such as toiletries, blankets, thermal socks for the homeless in London City. We walked for 5 hours in the cold of December to distribute the items to those in need on the streets in the heart of London City.