Dharma is the foundation of life. Dharma means our path of ‘righteousness’. Living ones life according to the code of conduct mentioned in our vedas and upanishads (Religious Texts). In simple terms, Dharma means “DUTY”. The word Dharma is derived from the sanskrit word “DURU” – which means to bear or to hold on to a commitment, which has a permanent bearing in our life is called “DHARMA”. We as a human society have our duties towards family, friends, nature, country etc.,
Dharma is the foundation of life. Dharma means our path of ‘righteousness’. Living ones life according to the code of conduct mentioned in our vedas and upanishads (Religious Texts). In simple terms, Dharma means “DUTY”. The word Dharma is derived from the sanskrit word “DURU” – which means to bear or to hold on to a commitment, which has a permanent bearing in our life is called “DHARMA”. We as a human society have our duties towards family, friends, nature, country etc.,
The word ‘ved’ is derived from the word “vid” ie., “to know”. Ved is knowledge.
Veds are the manifestation of God’s breadth and are considered as God’s words. They are the world’s ancient scriptures and were simplified by the great “Rishi Vyasji”.
There are 4 vedas:
They are also God’s creation and have the philosophy of God, Universe and Moksha. The work ‘Upanishad’ means to stay in touch with the great, ie., God and Guru. This helps us to study understand better the principles of Dharma. There are approximately 20 upanishads. To name a few, Katho Upanishad, Isavasys Upanishad, Keno Upanishad, Channdogya Upanishad, Mundaka Upanishad.
Puranas and Ithihasas –
Purana means history, a collection of events that took place many years ago. For eg. Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagwatji, Shiv Puran, etc. It also has history of demigods and God’s devotees.
Basically there are three paths or margs of Hindu Dharma.
To perform Bhakti, the physical body is not enough. It has to have an ‘animate soul’. This is the greatest gift of God to human beings. This individual with an ‘animate soul’ is called JEEV. That is why humans are greater than God’s other animate creations (like animals, birds, trees etc. They all have life but the soul is missing). Jeev is a part and parcel of the Lord created by the Lord himself.
Thousands of years ago, parmatma created the Universe for his happiness and sport (Leela). The Universe was his play ground. And he created animated beings as his playmates. Just as sparks fly out from fire, similarly numerous beings spring forth from parmatma. Thus jeev is the smallest form of creation of Parmatma.
Guru is described as a spiritual teacher or a master who leads us from darkness to light. We, as individuals cannot proceed on the correct path of life without a guiding light. Guru has the power and wisdom to dissolve our spiritual ignorance. He inspires devotion and his presence purifies all. He is verily like a LINK between the individual seeker and the immortal.
To follow the path of Dharma there is a prescribed set of rules given by our scriptures made to understand by our guru who are our religious leaders.
Having a physical Guru is of great benefit to a seeker as it saves a lot of time and effor because he is a guiding light.
Guru plays a very important role in our life. He is our friend, philosopher and guide, who teaches us to lead a spiritual and a dutiful life. To the disciple Guru is God. Once a year we pay homage to personal Guru and this day is “Guru Poornima”.