Pushti Parivar Dubai and Sharjah


With the blessings of His Divine Holiness Param Pujya Pad Goswami 108 Shri Yadunathji Mahodayshri, the Dubai Pushti Parivaar Youth Wing (DPP) was formed in 2015. The basic founding principle being to provide spiritual nourishment to Vaishnavs in and around the city of Dubai. Appshriji’s blessings, tireless efforts of the founding members and the unconditional support of the Vaishnavs in and around Dubai resulted in a resounding success. The increased participation of Vaishnavs across age groups resulted in the formation of Dubai Baal Pushti Parivaar in 2018, the Dubai Pushti Parivaar Womens Wing in 2019 and the Sharjah Baal Pushti Parivaar in 2024. As a group, this team of the Global Pushti Parivar further the message and teachings of Jagadguru Shreemad Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhuji, the Founder of Pushtimarg.

A brief of the events:
· Weekly Satsung sessions with in depth discourses & discussions on the PushtiMargiya Granths and Compilations,
· Bi-weekly foundation classes for children,
· Monthly practical sessions focusing on Bhog, Raag & Shringaar,
· Quarterly and Half-yearly gatherings celebrating the various Utsavs.
· Annual commemoration in the benign presence of our beloved Vaishnav Hruday Samraat!
Contact – to Join Dubai Pushti Parivar get in touch with us dxbvaishnav@gmail.com